.NET Core -
.NET Core is a general purpose, modular, cross-platform and open source implementation of the .NET Platform. It contains many of the same APIs as the .NET Framework (but .NET Core is a smaller set) and includes run-time, framework, compiler and tools components that support a variety of operating systems and chip targets. The .NET Core implementation was primarily driven by the ASP.NET Core workloads but also by the need and desire to have a more modern run-time. It can be used in device, cloud and embedded/IoT scenarios.
.NET Core has following main characteristics.
1. Cross-Plateform - .NET Core provides key functionality to implement the app features you need and reuse this code regardless of your platform target.
2. Open Source - Having .NET Core as an open source project promotes a more transparent development process and is available on GitHub.
3. Flexible Deployment - there are two main ways to deploy your app: framework-dependent deployment or self-contained deployment. With framework-dependent deployment, only your app and third-party dependencies are installed and your app depends on a system-wide version of .NET Core to be present. With self-contained deployment, the .NET Core version used to build your application is also deployed along with your app and third-party dependencies and can run side-by-side with other versions. For more information, see .NET Core Application Deployment.
4. Modular - Modular means collection of small modules so .NET Core is modular because it is released through NuGet in smaller assembly packages. Rather than one large assembly that contains most of the core functionality, .NET Core is made available as smaller feature-centric packages. This enables a more agile development model for us and allows you to optimize your app to include just the NuGet packages you need. The benefits of a smaller app surface area include tighter security, reduced servicing, improved performance, and decreased costs in a pay-for-what-you-use model.
5. Compatible - .NET Core is compatible with .NET Framework, Xamarin and Mono, via the .
For More refer DotNet Core .NET Core
.NET Core is a general purpose, modular, cross-platform and open source implementation of the .NET Platform. It contains many of the same APIs as the .NET Framework (but .NET Core is a smaller set) and includes run-time, framework, compiler and tools components that support a variety of operating systems and chip targets. The .NET Core implementation was primarily driven by the ASP.NET Core workloads but also by the need and desire to have a more modern run-time. It can be used in device, cloud and embedded/IoT scenarios.
1. Cross-Plateform - .NET Core provides key functionality to implement the app features you need and reuse this code regardless of your platform target.
2. Open Source - Having .NET Core as an open source project promotes a more transparent development process and is available on GitHub.
3. Flexible Deployment - there are two main ways to deploy your app: framework-dependent deployment or self-contained deployment. With framework-dependent deployment, only your app and third-party dependencies are installed and your app depends on a system-wide version of .NET Core to be present. With self-contained deployment, the .NET Core version used to build your application is also deployed along with your app and third-party dependencies and can run side-by-side with other versions. For more information, see .NET Core Application Deployment.
4. Modular - Modular means collection of small modules so .NET Core is modular because it is released through NuGet in smaller assembly packages. Rather than one large assembly that contains most of the core functionality, .NET Core is made available as smaller feature-centric packages. This enables a more agile development model for us and allows you to optimize your app to include just the NuGet packages you need. The benefits of a smaller app surface area include tighter security, reduced servicing, improved performance, and decreased costs in a pay-for-what-you-use model.
5. Compatible - .NET Core is compatible with .NET Framework, Xamarin and Mono, via the .
For More refer DotNet Core .NET Core
Very nice article
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